Tag: HPE

Athletics day

This week for my HPE I was doing Athletics Day.

First I had to listen to intructions from  Miss Te’lea  then she was calling names for there  colour and my colour was red.

Then we had to get in are A and B grops and go to the canopy and LS2 was there then we had to go to discus first.

Next I had to go to the shot put and in it they gave us a 15 kg ball. Then I had to go to high jump in the hall and we had to do a scissor jump.

Last we had to go on to are sprints and in sprints I had to run. Then we did relay races.

I enjoyed running in the sprints.

I need to improve my throws  in discus.

I did well at shotput.


This week for my HPE I was doing Interschool Interschool is when you go and vs other schools.

First I had to come to school beforn 8.30 I got there on 8.12 then I was going to get in to my HPE uniform.

Then we had to get in a line of boys and girls then we got in the bus and we went to llyod elsmore it was in  Pakuranga then when we where there we had to get the tent ready.

Next I had to go to my shot put it was fun then my dad came to me and gave me my food.

Last we came back to school and played a game.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve shot put  .

I enjoyed doing my going on my bus .


This week for my HPE I was doing sprinting.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a line of grop B.

Then coach say when you are sprinting put you hand up to your cheek when you are sprinting then  Ihad to get  ready

then I was off Then she had to time us I got 6.30 seconds.

Next I had to play a game called get the tail  off we had to get the tail off pepole and we had to do get the most tails off pepole so we can beat them then we did team we had to get in a team me and my team won 3 games.

Last I did a blog.


HPE-training for a race

This week for my HPE I was training for a race.

First grop B had to  get in a line then we had to go to pe and sit down.

Then we had to  go and get in boy and girl line and we all had to do stretching.

Next we had to get in a line so we can race.

last we had to do a blog.

i enjoyed going to  pe. i need to have improved running  . I did well at geting in line.

Shot put

This week for my pe I was doing shot put.

First grop B had to  get in a line then we had to go to pe and sit down.

Then we had to  go and get in boy and girl we got a chuck a ball.

last we had to play a game it was called Shot put in it we had to get points and 4 boys had to go to the girls team the girls got 145 points the boys got 200 points so the boys got the win and I was in the boys team.

i enjoyed going to  pe. i need to have improved  Shot put. I did well at geting in line.

Good Sport

This week for my HPE I was doing how to be a Good Sport.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make some slides for it.

Then I had to go and put Why we need to be a good sport   and How we can help to be a good sport and Why is it bad to not be a good sport.

Next I had to go and put in Bad sportsmanship fosters a negative environment and can take the fun out of the game and it can be bad because it can make them hit each other and Give your best effort. Shake hands with the other team before and after the game. Support teammates by saying “good shot” or “good try.”

last I had to do a blog.

I enjoyed doing my blog. I need to improve on my DLO. I did well at my HPE.


Boat safety

This week for my HPE I was doing Boat safety.

First I had to on on the class site and go down to the swimming boys and  then  I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of the Boat safety.

Then I had to go and I had to put in some rules  some of them were Always wear a life jacket. Avoid alcohol. Be especially careful on personal watercrafts.

Next I had to go and get some pictures of  Boat safety.

Last I had to do a blog.

I enjoyed doing my blog. I need to improve on my DLO. I did well at my Boat safety.

Beach Safety

This week for my HPE I had to do my Beach safety.

First I had to on on the class site and go down to the swimming boys and  then  I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of the Beach safety.

Then I had to go and I had to put in some rules  some of them were keeping your feet on the floor. Call for help if you need, put on a life buoy and avoid being in the swimming pool without hydrating for too long. 

Next I had to go and get some pictures of Beach Safety.

Last I had to do a blog.

I enjoyed doing my blog. I need to improve on my DLO. I did well at my Beach safety .


This week I was doing HPE.

First I had to listen for instructions from the teacher then miss morris came and took us to go to pe.

Then I had to go and do runing for my warm up then I had to do dribbling with no ball then I got a ball and dribbling with it.

Next we did 10 burpees.

Last we went to the hall and had to look for people that want to sign up for soccer.

I  enjoyed doing  dribbling. I need to improve on 10 burpees. I did well at listening to Miss Morris.


This week I was  learning discus.

We had to make a little line between our fingers and then we put the discus between our hand and then we have to make our hand low to the ground and then release it.

I did good at pushing the discus.

I need to imrpove on releaseing  the discus.

I did well at Discus.