Tag: algorithm

Subtracting with Algorithm

This week for my math I had to do subtracting with algorithm.

This is what algorithm is An algorithm in math is a procedure, a description of a set of steps that can be used to solve a mathematical computation. For example, a step-by-step procedure used in long divisions is a common example of a mathematical algorithm.

First  I had to go on the  mat and  listen for instructions from Miss Tele’a.  Then we had two worksheets to practice subtracting without renaming. Then I had to go on the first DLO and it was Subtracting without Renaming and I had to go and solve the problem

Then I had to go on to my NK Practice which is  and Then I had to  go on my prototec for my NK Practice.

Next I had to go on my Subtracting with algorithm and I had to Calculate the answers to the following using column subtraction Then I had to go on the Subtraction DLO and I had to do paper work.

Last I had to do my blog.  Miss Tele’a is very proud of the work I have completed so far this term.