Information Report: Bengal Swamp Tigers

We used our smart searching skills to find facts about the Bengal Swamp Tiger. Once we had found the information we needed we made notes in our own words. We used these notes to help us write our information reports. Information reports give readers with information on a chosen topic by providing them with facts.

LI: to write an information report that informs the reader about the Swamp Tiger.

Swamp tigers also known as Bengal and sundarbans tigers are very rare. People call this the Panthera Tigris Tigris as its scientific name. They mostly are found in the Asian continent. Did you ever know that a grown up male Swamp Tiger can approximately size up to 260 pounds?  

Appearance. The swamp tigers have orange with black stripes and white spots. They also have sharp claws to hunt and powerful chomping  jaws. Its body is very muscular making it very powerful and strong. Its weight is 200 to 260. Its body is very good at camouflaging into the mangrove trees.   

Diet.   The swamp tigers eat mostly meat so there are carnivores. They usually eat Turtles Fishing cats birds Crabs Fish Humans Wild boars Frogs Rats Monkey Fisherman’s  Humans Water monitors and deers. Their most prey were fishermen because of how many humans used to come to hunt them down. As strange as it may seem swamp tigers don’t just eat meat they also eat seafood.   

Habitat. These beasts are located in Bengal and its continent is asia. Their habitat is small because of deforestation. The bengal is a mangrove kind of forest. It is a hot, muddy place. They protect and roam their habitat from being attacked. They hide among the trees of the mangrove forest. It’s covered by salt water.

 Behavior. They act strong and defensive against the humans. The way they kill their prey is by sneaking up to them from hiding amongst the trees. There they have good swimming and hunting. They mostly hunt their weakest prey. They are good at camouflaging into the trees. There are hunters. Did you know that there are only about 100 swamp tigers left in the world.? Are you aware that the swamp tigers are good at killing in the water?

Now in 2024 the swamp tigers are endangered. Because deforestation and places are  expanding. We should save them by respecting their homes and cleaning the environment.

One thought on “Information Report: Bengal Swamp Tigers

  1. I am so happy to hear how Norman is progressing in his class, big thanks to Norman’s teachers for the support provided him in class, and putting up with him as he can be a bit of a ‘handful’ at times.

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