Day: May 28, 2024

Addition Algorithm

LI: To calculate the sum of whole numbers using algorithm.

This task I made a DLO explaining what addition algorithm.

To do this I did 9+4 that makes 13 so put the 1 from the 13 to the 0 that will make it a 1 then do 1 + 5 = 6 then  leave the 2  and that gives you 263.

Subtraction Algorithm

LI:To calculate the difference of whole numbers, using algorithms.

This task I made a DLO for subtraction algorithm.

To do this the first digit goes and subtracts the bottom number, if the number is lower than the bottom then you borrow a number that is on the left. After you done and worked out your answer you put it under the line and your finished.


LI: To consider both perspectives.

This task I made a provocation  DLO for did The crime fit The punishment.

First I went and look for my group my group was David kale and aarush look up the men that was involved in heist of the medals.

Next we did Perspective: A Perspective: b and Our Opinion Perspective: A  was for why do we think they took the money and Perspective: b  was for why we think they needed it.

Last me and my group put up two images.

I found this activity fun because we got to learn about provocation.