Matariki Star

LI: To plan, design and create a class star for Matariki that tells a story.

This task we made our own designs on the matariki star.

First we made a star desgin and a story explaing what our star was about. then we linked it to the slides and we voted 4 people to combine there stars to togther.

I enjoyed this task because we got to make our own star and own story about it.

2 thoughts on “Matariki Star

  1. Kia ora Norman, this is a really informative poster about Matariki. Thank you for reminding me of the story about how Ranginui and Papatuanuku being separated. It is Matariki time soon, are you planning of celebrating Matariki? How does your school celebrate Matariki?

    Keep up the good work
    Mrs Tofa

    1. Thank you for that comment it was a good comment and our school celebrate Matariki by haveing a bbq and the kapa haka performance group perform for the school and they sing a song have a good day.

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