Day: May 14, 2024

Matariki Star

LI: To plan, design and create a class star for Matariki that tells a story.

This task we made our own designs on the matariki star.

First we made a star desgin and a story explaing what our star was about. then we linked it to the slides and we voted 4 people to combine there stars to togther.

I enjoyed this task because we got to make our own star and own story about it.

Sentence Structure

LI: To explore a sentence Structure.

This week our task was to  make a DLO for Sentence Structure. Explain what simple,compound and complex Sentence means.

Frist we pick our partner from room six my partner was ail then we went and got a whiteboard   and wrote down sentences. then after that we made a DLO explaing what simple compound and complex mean. then make a DLO.

I found this instresting because i didnt know that much about complex compound and simple sentences.