Month: May 2024

3D Shapes

LI: to know the name and properties of 3D shapes.

This task we made a slide for 3d shapes and what are the use for.

First I  went and got my group my group was AJ and Aarush we did Rectangular Prism and Cylinder first.

Next we did sphere and cube we put how much sides it has and how much corners it has and it is name.

Last we did pyramid and cone we did  how much sides and corners they have.

I found this  task interesting.  Because I  did not konw about 3d shapes.

Samoan tatau research

This week we made a DLO for samoan language week.

First I went and got my gruop  my gruop was AJ and david we researchabout how much it is, where do you do the tatau, how they get the tatau.

Next we made a flower then we  talked about why Samoan tattoos are important to the Samoan culture and why is it tradition.

Last we made what the colours represents .

I enjoyed this activity because it was interesting to learn about Samoan tatau.

Addition Algorithm

LI: To calculate the sum of whole numbers using algorithm.

This task I made a DLO explaining what addition algorithm.

To do this I did 9+4 that makes 13 so put the 1 from the 13 to the 0 that will make it a 1 then do 1 + 5 = 6 then  leave the 2  and that gives you 263.

Subtraction Algorithm

LI:To calculate the difference of whole numbers, using algorithms.

This task I made a DLO for subtraction algorithm.

To do this the first digit goes and subtracts the bottom number, if the number is lower than the bottom then you borrow a number that is on the left. After you done and worked out your answer you put it under the line and your finished.


LI: To consider both perspectives.

This task I made a provocation  DLO for did The crime fit The punishment.

First I went and look for my group my group was David kale and aarush look up the men that was involved in heist of the medals.

Next we did Perspective: A Perspective: b and Our Opinion Perspective: A  was for why do we think they took the money and Perspective: b  was for why we think they needed it.

Last me and my group put up two images.

I found this activity fun because we got to learn about provocation.

PB4L Rules and Behaviours

LI: To know what the rules and behaviours are.

This week for PB4L we created a DLO for Rules and Behaviours.

First we went and pick are gruops then me and my gruop was discussing about the rules in are class and the  behaviours we need.

Next I wrote down the different types of rules and behaviours we have in class like no taiking over and pay attention.

Last me and my gruop put a back round on our DLO.

I found this activity fun because we  got to work in gruops.

Water Safety

LI: Is about safe techniques in an emergency in the ocean.

This task we made a DLO for  water safety.

First on tuesday we  learn about water safety and we got to pick make a  poster or a animation.

Next we wrote about chain  and huddle and Scuba dive and these are the simple  things to do in the water if you are trying to survive in the sea.

Last we add images to our poster and animation.

I found this instresting because i didnt know much about water safety.

Healthy Eating

LI: To know how to eat healthy food.

This task was to make a DLO for healthy eating .

First I went and pick my partner and my partner was jacob and we wrote about how to keep a heathly diet.

Next we wrote about portion sizes this is what portion size  means that  the amount of food that you actually eat.

Last we add a image that we attribute.

I found this instresting because i didnt know that much about portion sizes. 


Howick Historal Village

LI: To explore what the life was like in 1850.

On Thursday we went on a tripe to Howick Historal Village.

First  me and my gruop went to butter making first we stirred the cream to make it into butter while singing a rhyme and saying there name. A fact is the girl had to stay home to make the butter while the men had to bring 8 buckets of water to make the butter milk. The butter tasted creamy and it was yum.

Next  thing we did was explore and taking a looks in the building and seeing what these people had  and how there  life was back then  in 1850. A fact about this was that the kids had to sleep in the attic.

Last we went and made trolly carts we where diveid into groups of 4  we all got  to help build the trolly cart and we all got to race on it.

Then  We took group photos together.

I found this activy fun because we got to ride the trolleys and see the old buildings.

Matariki Star

LI: To plan, design and create a class star for Matariki that tells a story.

This task we made our own designs on the matariki star.

First we made a star desgin and a story explaing what our star was about. then we linked it to the slides and we voted 4 people to combine there stars to togther.

I enjoyed this task because we got to make our own star and own story about it.