Month: November 2023

Making the product.

This week for my Inquiry I was doing making the product.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of the can DLO so I can put my design on it.

Then I had to put to two layers of paper on it before I put my design on and I had to get it printer out and when I got my design I had to put it on my can.

Next I had to put some decorations on it so it can look good for my gala  I put some golden tape around the top so they can not see the white paper on it and I had to put paper inside it my paper was green and I had to put paper on the bottom.

Last I did a blog for it.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve  Making my  product.

I enjoyed doing my DLO.



Be Inclusive

This week for my PB4L I was doing Be Inclusive.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of  the be Inclusive and I had to go on to the jamboard answer the question on it.

Then I had to go on be Inclusive DLO on it I had to photos on it and I had to put Sharing food so they can eat and not be grumpy in the morning and they can be good and not be tired.

Last I did a blog.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve Be Inclusive .

I enjoyed doing my DLO.


This week for my HPE I was doing sprinting.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a line of grop B.

Then coach say when you are sprinting put you hand up to your cheek when you are sprinting then  Ihad to get  ready

then I was off Then she had to time us I got 6.30 seconds.

Next I had to play a game called get the tail  off we had to get the tail off pepole and we had to do get the most tails off pepole so we can beat them then we did team we had to get in a team me and my team won 3 games.

Last I did a blog.


Ordering Coins and Notes

This week for my math I was doing  Ordering Coins and Notes.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of  the Ordering Coins and Notes.

Then I had to go and put it in my hand it in then I had to do Representing I did Represent $1 in New Zealand dollars using the fewest coins possible and Represent $2.40 in New Zealand dollars then I did Copy and paste the coins and notes below and arrange them from smallest value to largest value in the boxes.

Next I did Mo (Maths) Problems I had to do ff you had $75.80 and you lent your friend $20.35, how much money do you have left? and Jack had $63.40, but he needed to pay his friend $25.15. How much money does Jack have left after paying his friend? and more.

Last I did my Smallest to largest Ordering Coins and Notes

I did well at my Smallest to largest Ordering Coins and Notes.

I need to improve on Ordering Coins and Notes  .

I enjoyed doing my Representing .

Advertising for the Gala

This week for my  Inquiry I was making  products for are school gala.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a DLO of the making the product.

Then I had to go and make a advertisement or price poster for the Gala next Wednesday and I pick advertisement.

Next I had to put a bag so I can tace it to put in my advertisement and I put time to use a bookmark and a pencil case

and I had to put pencil case that I trace and the bookmark that I traced.

Last I did a a blog.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve making the product.  .

I enjoyed doing my DLO.

Character Profile

This week for my reading I was doing Character Profile.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a copy of the character Profile.

Then I had to draw my character that was my story he looked cool to me try and guess who was my character.

Next I had to do physical appearance: and I had to do Personality Traits: and we had to do Name: Species:  Age: Gender:  then I had to do Morals and Actions.

Last I did my blog.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve Character Profile .

I enjoyed doing my DLO.

what is prototype

This week for my Inquiry I was doing what is prototype.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a DLO of it and I had to look at the prototype vido it was called It’s All About Prototypes.

Then I had to go on to the what is prototype  and I had to go and look for a What is a Prototype? and  I had to put what it say on  my DLO .

Next I had to do trace pictures, I chose superhero and airplane prototypes.

Last I had to go on to my blog and blog it. I did well writing my Blog. I need to improve on explaining a prototype in my own words . I enjoyed doing my DLO.

How to show Respect to teachers

This week for my PB4L I was doing how to show Respect to teachers.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a DLO of How to show Respect to teachers.

Then I had to go on the jambrod so I can put in why we need to show teachers Respect I put by not yelling at them and not talk back to them.

Next I had to put in some pictures and I had to put in a picture of respect.

Last I had to go to the teacher and show it to her and I had to do a bog.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve on Showing Respect to teachers.

I enjoyed  doing my DLO.



This week for my writing I was doing advertisement.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to make a DLO of it.

Then I had to put a Advertisement my title was BIG. MEATED. BURGERS. and I  couldn’t use online photos I had to trace I trace BURGERS and chips and a drink all from McDonald’s.

Next I had to do Price my Price was 10$ andn we had to do  put Adjectives in it and I had to put  A jingle/catch phrase my catch phrase was It is a good time for a big burger.

Last I did Mr Beast chocolate bar on my DLO and I put in only for  limited time and I trace mr beast logo. 

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve on catch phrases .

I enjoyed doing my DLO.

Money in Math

This term we have been revising our knowledge of decimal numbers.  This week we started our unit on Money.  Knowing your place value and decimal numbers is really important when you are using or working with money.


The main point our teacher wanted us to remember this week is that 100 cents goes into 1 dollar.  Our tasks this week were to see How much money is in my jar we had to do count how How much money is in my jar we did 10$ and 2$ that is 12 and we did 5$ and 2 2$ that is 9.


I did well at my counting  How much money is in my jar.

I need to improve on adding money together.

I enjoyed  Order numbers lowest to highest on my shoping.