Year: 2023

Holiday Agenda

This week for my math I was doing Holiday Agenda.

First I had to go and pick out my partner and a Destination I pick Queenstown.

Then I had to insert a photo of a world map showing New Zealand and my  destination where Then I had to book a ticket and I had to get there on the 8th and come back in the 15th. Then I had to do accomodation and  I had to go and get food.

Next I had to do activities all of the activities I had to do all cost 711$ Then I had to get clothing for 2 of my activities.

Last I had to do the total cost of all of it and I had to do my vision board and  Holiday Photos.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve  telling the time .

I enjoyed picking  out my partner .


Designing a Christmas Sleigh

This week for my Inquiry I was doing designing a Christmas Sleigh.

First I had to go on the mat and  listen for instructions then I had to go and  make a copy of Designing a Christmas Sleigh.

Then I had to go and trace a Sleigh and I had to design  it I made a Engine Sleigh on my Engine Sleigh there was  jet pack and a  Engine and a cat that helps it fly.

Next I had to  make a copy of procedure  I had to do Title and end result  and I had to put in  Materials / Ingredients and I had to put Picture of my Sleigh and I had to put in Steps.

Last I had to do a blog.

I did well at my Blog.

I need to improve makeing a good design .

I enjoyed doing makeing my Engine Sleigh .


Superhero – Summer Learning Journey

This week for  the Summer Learning Journey 2023, we started with the Kickstart it was to make are own superhero with my  Superhero is  Immortal hero  and it has cool abilities.

Name Immortal hero 

Where : He lives is under the ocean


He has no parents and no siblings


Transportation flying and running.



Batman,superman,shazam doomsday.


Love interest \ enemies Batman,superman,shazam . And supergirl


Sidekick’ invincible


Weaknesses\ super powers 

laser vision,  super strength, mind read , ,shape shift, Elemental 

 powers He can fly  and is someone takes his spatula he will lose all his powers 

Weapon spatula